New Smile Dental Group Trusted Dentists in Surrey: Root Canal Procedure and Treatment in Surrey

Tuesday 27 August 2013

Root Canal Procedure and Treatment in Surrey

Many of us do not visit a dentist unless we feel the pain and it starts hurting in our mouth. This is a bad habit and it aggravates the ailments. In the case of damaged pulp tissue in the gums, root canal treats the damaged or infected root and helps to retain the original tooth. The traditional methods of root canal were painful and many people neglected for fear of pain. However, with the advent of technology, modern methods and advanced tools have minimized the pain.

Tooth pulp that extends from crown to tooth’s root contains blood vessels nerves and connective tissue. When tooth cracks or suffers an injury, bacteria enters into the cavity and causes infection. If it is left untreated, it leads to pulp damage and tooth loss.

If you are suffering from the same condition, you should immediately visit a dentist Surrey city offers. Root canal usually takes one to three visits. Dentists remove decay and make an opening on a tooth through the crown to reach out to the pulp chamber. They remove the diseased pulp using tiny dental instruments. Then they fill it with a filling material and give a support cap on the crown.

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